

Some folks say religion and politics shouldn’t be mixed. Yet, throughout the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) especially in the prophets (e.g. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Hosea, Amos and so on) God confronts those in power who use their power unwisely and unjustly. God challenges those in power who give a verbal tip of the hat to God, but in practice act as though God has no power over them. Jesus sought to have people give their ultimate allegiance to the Father. He preached and healed and acted as though we are all servants of God including those in power. That’s what got him in trouble and he was ultimately given the form of Roman capital punishment for political crimes…crucifixion. The Apostle Paul encouraged the early churches to pray for those in power that they would behave and act wisely. He also encouraged the church folk to give deference to those in government so that there would no chaos, but a good social order SO THAT HE AND THEY AS FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST COULD REVEAL WHO THE ULTIMATE POWER WAS…GOD! Notice this was not just blind faith and deference to government, but to enable the avenues for people to know the true ruler.

Every Sunday after I do the Commission from the Apostle Paul, I share this benediction, “May the peace of God, which is beyond our understanding, keep our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, WHO IS LORD OF ALL.”

Ultimately I don’t root for Democrats, Republicans, Greens, Independents, Socialists, etc. Ultimately I don’t root for the United State of America. Ultimately I DO root for what was claimed in my baptism and confirmed in my confirmation. GOD. In confirmation I learned the Evangelical Catechism. Later on in seminary I came to appreciate its forerunner, The Heidelberg Catechism. The first question and answer of this catechism are as follows (and is thus my statement of ultimacy, especially in times such as these): Q: What is your only comfort in life and in death? A: That I belong, both body and soul and in life and in death, not to myself, but to my faithful savior Jesus Christ, who has totally paid for all my sins with his precious blood and completely liberated me from the power of the devil, and who takes care of me so well that not a hair can fall from my head without the will of my Father in heaven. In fact, everything must work together for my salvation. Besides this, by his Holy Spirit he also assures me of eternal life and makes me wholeheartedly willing and ready to live for him from now on.

Yes, religion and politics are mixed. Because they are both under the rule of God.

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